The TRIUMF History Minutes, are a series of animated videos 60 seconds long, that collated a number of different themes present across TRIUMF's history timeline: The origins of the laboratory, the Life Sciences program, and the importance of international collaborations.
Animation: Mario Forero
Copywriting: Sean Lee, Carla Rodrigo, Stuart Shepherd,
Creative and Art Direction: Diana Castaneda
Illustration: Aaron Campbell, Mario Forero, Mustaali Raj
Graphic Design: Diana Castaneda
Voice: Dianne Palmer
Animation: Mario Forero
Copywriting: Sean Lee, Carla Rodrigo, Stuart Shepherd,
Creative and Art Direction: Diana Castaneda
Illustration: Aaron Campbell, Mario Forero, Mustaali Raj
Graphic Design: Diana Castaneda
Voice: Dianne Palmer

1. Celebrate TRIUMF’s legacy of excellence in science, the lab’s impact, and its international recognition.
2. Connect with larger audiences with a piece of science communications, that is accessible to the general public, and represents accurately the lab's contribution to global science.
1. Celebrate TRIUMF’s legacy of excellence in science, the lab’s impact, and its international recognition.
2. Connect with larger audiences with a piece of science communications, that is accessible to the general public, and represents accurately the lab's contribution to global science.
1. Satisfaction: The internal community has expressed how they feel represented in these TRIUMF History Minutes.
2. Visibility: The laboratory community, our partner network, and the general public are now able to access short and engaging bits of TRIUMF’s history.
3. Outreach: The content present in the videos will answer many of the FAQ that tour visitors have when they come to TRIUMF.
1. Satisfaction: The internal community has expressed how they feel represented in these TRIUMF History Minutes.
2. Visibility: The laboratory community, our partner network, and the general public are now able to access short and engaging bits of TRIUMF’s history.
3. Outreach: The content present in the videos will answer many of the FAQ that tour visitors have when they come to TRIUMF.
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